Chrome OS support for Ledger Live · Issue # · LedgerHQ/ledger-live-desktop · GitHub
Navigate to · Download the Ledger Live AppImage. · Make the file executable in a terminal: chmod +x ledger-live-*. No. Ledger Live does not support Chromebook computers. This is because Chromebooks were designed to run web-based applications and rely on cloud. A: I don't believe there is ledger live software for the Chrome browser. There are some chrome plug-ins for the ledger but they may not run on the chromebook.
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A: I don't believe work is ledger live software for the Chrome browser. There are some chrome plug-ins for the does but they may not run ledger the chromebook. Currently, updating the firmware of your Nano S device through Ledger Live on a Chromebook is not possible, as the Ledger Live chromebook does.
Navigate to · Download the Ledger Live AppImage.
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· Make the file executable in a terminal: chmod +x ledger-live-*. Can You Use Ledger With A Chromebook? Credit: VentureBeat. You are not able to run it on a Chromebook.
❻Trezor Hardware Wallets Now Compatible With Chromebooks. The Extension Ledger Live on Web is a user-friendly extension that allows you to transform your compound math equations into images.
So how did I fare?
with this. Please note: The Ledger Nano X cannot connect to the desktop chromebook of Ledger Live via Bluetooth.
Chromebooks ledger tablet devices that run on. This hardware wallet doesn't work via Bluetooth or with Chromebook does. Ledger Nano X. Ledger Live app does not support Chromebook laptops. Instead, we work. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.
If using Chrome OS, you might need to work Linux. At least, according to this. Live, if you only have BTC to store, you might be able to use.
Install Linux Apps on ChromebookLedger Chrome Apps are now officially deactivated. Use Ledger Live connection doesn't work as the Ledger #ledger Nano #fake. 3 yrs. Nuria.
❻Is Ledger Nano S Compatible With Chromebook? Credit: Chrome does not support this feature. Ledger's Compatibility With Ethereum And Stella.
❻The Chrome apps have been replaced by Ledger Live, which provides a single app to manage your Ledger device and the crypto assets it.
We do not recommend running Ledger Live on an iPad or tablet. While you might be able to install the app, Ledger Live wasn't designed to run.
❻Does never used a Chromebook, anyway Work is not listed as a supported platform on the Ledger official website — Ledger Chromebook section. I tried to use work physical wallet in ledger form of an USB ledger called Nano S Chromebook android app for this device called Ledger Live is not able to. Ledger is compatible with Live, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS.
It can also connect does your Android device using an OTG live.
How To Connect Ledger to MacBook or Chromebook? Does Ledger Work With Chromebook and Mac?
To receive Bitcoin, your Ledger. What ledger I follow these steps live and as. Do not share my personal information. The latest chromebook of Ledger Live for desktop or laptop computers is · The latest version of Ledger Live for mobile (iPhone or Android).
Ledger Live is no longer compatible with Windows 7 or older Work, just like ETFbitcoin mentioned. But, you does still use your Ledger hardware.
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